In 1974, a groundbreaking movement took shape in California as visionary women leaders recognized the urgent need for change. Faced with a male-dominated power structure, a lack of representation, and the isolating struggles of their roles, these remarkable women refused to accept the status quo.
From this fierce determination, the California Elected Women's Association for Education & Research (CEWAER) emerged as a beacon of hope. It marked the birth of the first organization of its kind in the nation, a force dedicated to supporting and empowering women seeking leadership positions.
Powered by a $1000 grant from the esteemed Ms. Foundation, CEWAER assembled an extraordinary group of elected and appointed women from various levels of government across the state. In a historic meeting in February 1974, six visionary women - Pat Russell, Helen Kennedy, Marilyn Ryan, Helen Putnam, Renee Simon, and Anne Rudin - laid the groundwork for this revolutionary organization. Together with esteemed figures like Ginny Simms, Yvonne Burke, Doris Davis, Dianne Feinstein, Mary Henderson, Maureen O'Connor, and Suzanne Wilson, they formed a formidable steering committee that would shape history.
Undeterred by challenges, CEWAER forged ahead. In April, a pivotal meeting was held in Sacramento to gauge interest in this transformative association. A resounding response greeted them as twenty-four women from diverse backgrounds gathered, paving the way for a statewide conference that would redefine the narrative.
The conference became a resounding success, shining a spotlight on the issues women faced daily and fueling discussions that captivated not only the attendees but also the press and media. News outlets marveled at the unprecedented sight of women united, fighting for change, and amplifying their voices.
CEWAER's impact reverberated across the political landscape. The organization became a talent hub, attracting resumes from countless accomplished women seeking to serve in state government. The pressure mounted on Governor Jerry Brown, culminating in a pivotal meeting where a compendium of resumes was presented. The governor, recognizing the extraordinary potential within CEWAER, responded with unwavering support. Claire Dedrick and Rose Bird, two exceptional CEWAER members, were appointed to his cabinet as Secretary of Resources and Secretary of Agriculture, respectively, forever cementing the organization's influence.
Fuelled by this momentum, CEWAER embraced a new milestone - its first Annual Meeting. This momentous event became a haven where women leaders from every corner of the state convened, engaging in workshops that tackled the unique challenges they faced within their communities. A symphony of diverse experiences, ideas, and support resonated throughout the gathering, empowering women to rise above limitations and forge a path to a brighter future.
The birth of CEWAER was a turning point, a testament to the strength and resilience of women who refused to be silenced. It ignited a fire that burns to this day, propelling women's leadership forward and forging a legacy that inspires generations to come.
In 2007, the CEWAER Board of Directors decided that it was time to change the name to better reflect the purpose of the organization. California Women Lead was born.
California Women Lead has since strengthened its commitment to areas of policy, education, and research, and collaborated with other firms and organizations that share its goals and vision. We strive toward a future in California where leaders reflect the diverse nature of all people who live and work in the state. California Women Lead remains true to its CEWAER roots, and continues to be non-partisan, not endorsing candidates or partisan issues – a key component of vision the founding women had in 1974.
Today, California Women Lead's work continues. In addition to our events, annual conference, and ever-growing training efforts, we continue to seek new, innovative ways to support women in achieving high-level career positions, successfully running for office, and obtaining appointments at the state and local levels.
California Women Lead remains the only statewide, nonpartisan women’s organization committed to providing women the training and support they need to be successful in the political arena.
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